Conference Themes

1. Spatial Applications

1.1. Risk and Disaster Management
1.1.1. Prediction of Disasters and Risks
1.1.2. Monitoring and Management of Disasters
1.1.3. Rescue and Humanitarian Actions
1.1.4. Analysis and Assessment of Loses and Costs
1.1.5. Planning and Prevention of Disasters
1.1.6. Public Data and Tools in Risk and Disaster Management

1.2. Security and Border Control
1.2.1. Low and High Resolution data in monitoring cross-border and smuggling activities
1.2.2. Crime monitoring
1.2.3. Decision support systems
1.2.4. Tracking and navigation
1.2.5. Defense and Intelligence applications

1.3. Social and Public Services
1.3.1. Planning and Management of Commercial and Finance Services
1.3.2. Planning and Management of Tourism Services
1.3.3. Planning and Management of Transportation Services
1.3.4. Planning and Management of Electric utilities
1.3.5. Planning and Management of communication Network Infrastructure
1.3.6. Management of Health and Education Services
1.3.7. Planning and management of agricultural projects and irrigation systems

1.4. Climate& Environmental Studies
1.4.1. Natural Reserves Management
1.4.2. Environmental pollution and waste recycling
1.4.3. Forest monitoring and desertification
1.4.4. Water resources pollution
1.4.5. Environmental, health and integrated management dimensions
1.4.6. Environmental Impact Assistances
1.4.7. Climate monitoring and meteorological applications
1.4.8. Climate change and environmental impact assessment
1.4.9. Extreme weather phenomena

1.5. Spatial Planning and Management in Municipalities
1.5.1. Monitoring and evaluation of urban sprawl
1.5.2. Regional Planning
1.5.3. Urban Planning and it’s Management
1.5.4. Using geospatial tech. in Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Infrastructure

1.6. Natural Resources and Sustainability
1.6.1. Agriculture, livestock production and calculation of load capacity of pastoral and biomass measurement
1.6.2. Marine and fisheries resources and Coastal zone management
1.6.3. Water harvesting and groundwater management
1.6.4. Oil, gas and minerals and geological studies

1.7. Marine and Costal zone studies
1.8. Heritage and Tourism
1.9. Real Estate Properties

2. Spacial Data

2.1. Spatial Data Infrastructure
2.2. Data Standards and Metadata
2.3. Geospatial Data Sharing Benefits
2.4. Laws and Legislation on Ownership and share Spatial Data
2.5. Spatial Dimensions in E-Government
2.6. Open Source Data
2.7. Geospatial data mining
2.8. Cartography and Toponymy

3. Spatial Technologies

3.1. Sensors and platforms
3.2. Medias for Sharing Geospatial data.
3.3. Geospatial portals and its applications
3.4. Data Fusions and Integrations
3.5. Data Modeling and Processing
3.6. Data Collection and Assessment Tools
3.7. 3D and Virtual Reality